The Biden Administration’s Blasphemous Easter Proclamation

The recent proclamation by President Biden declaring Transgender Day Of Visibility on Easter has sparked controversy and criticism from the Christian community.

The Clash of Christian Easter and Transgender Day of Visibility

As Christians worldwide celebrated the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday, a stark contrast emerged with the observance of the Transgender Day Of Visibility. The Biden administration's proclamation recognizing this day on Easter stirred up immense backlash and condemnation from the Christian community.

The proclamation, signed by Joe Biden, a self-proclaimed Catholic, not only sparked outrage but also highlighted the growing divide between traditional Christian values and modern societal trends. By endorsing a day that stands in direct opposition to Easter, the holiest day in Christianity, the administration has once again showcased its blatant disregard for religious beliefs and values.

The Reader's Guide

The Anti-Christian Stance of the Biden Administration

President Biden's proclamation described transgender Americans as an integral part of the nation, disregarding the deeply held beliefs of millions of Americans who oppose practices like gender reassignment surgeries on minors. The administration's attempt to equate the struggles of transgender individuals with the sacred significance of Easter is not only tone-deaf but also disrespectful to the Christian faith.

By choosing to celebrate Transgender Day Of Visibility on Easter, the Biden administration has once again demonstrated its commitment to advancing progressive agendas at the expense of traditional values. The proclamation serves as a clear indication of the administration's anti-Christian stance and its willingness to prioritize political correctness over religious sensitivities.

The Incompatibility of Transgenderism with Christianity

One of the fundamental contradictions highlighted by President Biden's proclamation is the inherent conflict between transgender ideology and Christian teachings. The proclamation fails to address the theological implications of endorsing a belief system that directly contradicts traditional Christian views on gender and identity.

By promoting Transgender Day Of Visibility on Easter, a day that symbolizes hope, redemption, and rebirth in the Christian faith, the administration has effectively undermined the core tenets of Christianity. The decision to elevate transgender issues above the sacred observance of Easter reflects a concerning shift away from religious values in favor of secular ideologies.

The Controversy Surrounding the Proclamation

The timing of President Biden's proclamation on Easter raised eyebrows and drew widespread criticism from religious leaders and conservative groups. The deliberate choice to overshadow the significance of Easter with an unrelated observance further fueled existing tensions between the administration and the Christian community.

Despite attempts by fact-checkers to downplay the controversy surrounding the proclamation, the underlying message remains clear: the Biden administration's decision to prioritize Transgender Day Of Visibility on Easter was a deliberate and provocative move that disregarded the deeply held beliefs of millions of Americans.


In conclusion, President Biden's proclamation recognizing Transgender Day Of Visibility on Easter has sparked a fierce debate over the administration's stance on religious freedom and traditional values. By choosing to elevate transgender issues on a day sacred to Christians worldwide, the administration has once again underscored its commitment to progressive ideologies at the expense of religious sensitivities.

Fake Celebrations and Empty Praise: The Truth About Transgender Day of Visibility

All they have done is contribute to massively increased rates of depression in the last decade, by encouraging young people to castrate and mutilate themselves instead of improving their mental health. They’ve also committed several acts of terrorism. But beyond that, they’re not doing anything of significance. Even if I was interested in celebrating the achievements of trans people — even if somehow I wanted to do this on Easter, of all days — I still would not be able to partake in that celebration for the simple reason that there are no achievements to celebrate.

But politicians throughout the Democratic Party, all over the country, pretended otherwise yesterday. In New York, Kathy Hochul issued her own proclamation for Transgender Day of Visibility. It states that New York “reaffirm[s] our commitment to see beyond the gender binary and create equity.” For his part, the HHS secretary, Xavier Becerra, put out this message: Today, I'm thinking about our country’s great transgender, nonbinary, and two-spirit leaders who epitomize resilience, progress, and joy. Transgender Day of Visibility is an opportunity to celebrate their accomplishments and double down on our commitment to their wellbeing.— Secretary Xavier Becerra (@SecBecerra) March 31, 2024

He also added a picture of a bunch of people without faces, because that’s what equity means. No one has a face.

The Truth Behind the Words

First of all, like Newsom’s wife, he doesn’t mention what “accomplishments” transgender people have achieved. That’s because there are no accomplishments to mention. On top of that, like the identity of “transgender,” so-called “non-binary” and “two-spirit” are nonsense labels that mean nothing. The two-spirit thing blew up in Canada a while ago, which is why Justin Trudeau goes around referring to “2SLGBTQIA+” people. But it’s not a real thing; it was invented by some woman at a gay and lesbian conference in Canada in 1990.

There are other major problems with this statement, which again, is from our HHS secretary, who oversees health in this country. The biggest one, perhaps, is that you cannot tell us that trans people will kill themselves if you misgender them and then in the next breath insist that these people “epitomize resilience and joy.” If they really are a resilient, joyful people then we don’t have to worry about what kind of language we use around them. They can handle it, with resilience and joy.

But if we do have to worry about the words we use — worry, in fact, that the wrong word might cause them to commit suicide en masse — then there may be many terms you can use to describe them but “joyful” isn’t one of them, and “resilient” even less so. As for “doubling down on our commitment to their wellbeing,” as the HHS secretary claims to want to do, the only way to accomplish that is to tell them the truth and stop catering to their delusions.

The Irony and Absurdity

But of course, most importantly, Sunday was Easter. Xavier Becerra, like all of us, should have spent the day thinking not about trans people, but about the lordship of Jesus Christ, and the state of his own immortal soul.

The same is true of Karine Jean-Pierre, who issued a statement about the “courage” of the trans community on Sunday. This is the same woman who claimed that “trans kids” are under attack in this country, just three days after a trans terrorist murdered men, women and children in a Christian school. But Karine Jean-Pierre never praised the courage of the police officers who put that trans terrorist down. She never mentioned their heroism. They do not need to be “visible,” apparently, like trans people do. They don’t have their own holiday, like the sacred Trans Day of Visibility. A holiday so apparently important, so engrained in our national tradition, that it must be officially recognized by the White House, no matter if it conflicts with Easter or not.

It could be interesting now to take a look at the person who started this fake holiday. It was invented by a man who identifies as a woman and now uses the name Rachel Crandall-Crocker. Here he is:

This is the person who invented “Trans Day of Visibility.” He claims he knew since he was 8-years-old that he was trans.— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) March 31, 2024

The Real Accomplishments vs. Hollow Celebrations

This is the Left’s approximation of Jesus now. This man who believes that 8-year-olds can change their gender, is who they’re choosing to valorize. He achieved the incredible feat of starting a Facebook group back in 2009, which is where Trans Day of Visibility originates. Easter began with the son of God emerging gloriously from the tomb. Trans Day of Visibility began with a guy starting a Facebook group. I guess this is what passes for a great accomplishment in the trans community.

Another irony of this whole “trans day of visibility,” of course, is that trans people are already more visible than any other group in the history of the world, when you compare their population to the amount of media coverage, et cetera, that they receive. There has never been such a vast gulf between the attention paid to a group of people and the actual size of that group. LGBT people in general are celebrated with dozens of special days and months, just for them. We’ve gone over the full list several times in the past, so I’ll spare you. But we know, of course, that they have all of “Pride Month.” That’s 30 days right there.

In all, I counted more than 130 days on the calendar reserved to worship our LGBT deities. There might be more but I gave up counting.

Government leaders make a point of recognizing most of these days.

Christianity Takes a Backseat to LGBT Holidays

Meanwhile, Christianity — the faith that built this country, the faith that many of the most important, most accomplished, most significant human beings in the history of humanity belonged to — only has two holidays that someone like Joe Biden will even pretend to care about. And now one of those two has been overshadowed by one of the 130 LGBT days. It’s outrageous and disgusting, but also instructive. I’ve been saying for years that “LGBT” isn’t just a collection of sexual and gender identities. It’s our new state religion. And never has that been more clear than it is today.

It seems like the values and traditions that once held our society together are being pushed aside in favor of a new wave of political correctness. The recent decision to recognize June as Pride Month and give it more significance than Juneteenth, a day commemorating the end of slavery in the United States, is a slap in the face to our country's history and heritage.

As we see the rise of cancel culture and the prioritization of certain groups over others, it's becoming increasingly clear that Christianity is no longer the dominant force it once was in shaping our cultural landscape. The celebration of LGBT holidays over Christian observances is just another example of this shift.

The Significance of Traditional Holidays

Traditional holidays like Christmas and Easter hold deep religious and historical significance for millions of Americans. These holidays are not just about gift-giving and Easter eggs; they are a time for reflection, gratitude, and spiritual renewal. The fact that these holidays are taking a backseat to newly created LGBT celebrations is a troubling sign of the times.

By elevating LGBT holidays above traditional Christian observances, we are sending a message that certain belief systems are more important and more deserving of recognition than others. This goes against the principles of equality and religious freedom that our country was founded upon.

As we continue to see a shift towards secularism and political correctness in our society, it's important to remember the importance of honoring our cultural heritage and traditions. By prioritizing LGBT holidays over Christian observances, we risk erasing the rich history and values that have shaped our nation.

The Future of Religious Freedom

The relegation of Christianity to the sidelines in favor of LGBT holidays raises important questions about the future of religious freedom in America. Will we continue to uphold the principles of religious liberty that have long been a cornerstone of our society, or will we allow political correctness to dictate which beliefs are worthy of recognition?

It's crucial that we protect the rights of all individuals to practice their faith without fear of discrimination or persecution. By allowing certain groups to dominate the cultural conversation at the expense of others, we risk alienating those who hold traditional religious beliefs.

As we navigate these challenging times, it's essential that we remain vigilant in defending the rights of all Americans to worship freely and express their beliefs without censorship or retribution. The future of religious freedom in America depends on our willingness to stand up for our values and traditions in the face of increasing secularism and political correctness.

It's time to reclaim the importance of our traditional holidays and ensure that they are given the respect and recognition they deserve. Let us not forget the values that have guided our nation for centuries and continue to hold us together as a diverse and vibrant society.