Hoverboards in Destiny 2 Guardian Games: How to Get Your Skimmer

Destiny 2's Guardian Games are in full swing, and players have the chance to earn a brand new prize - a hoverboard called a Skimmer. This is the game's first-ever new vehicle type, and it can help you glide through raid and dungeon encounters with ease. But, there's a catch - you'll need to complete a quest to keep it after the event ends.

Destiny 2's Guardian Games are in full swing, and players have the chance to earn a brand new prize - a hoverboard called a Skimmer. This is the game's first-ever new vehicle type, and it can help you glide through raid and dungeon encounters with ease. But, there's a catch - you'll need to complete a quest to keep it after the event ends.

How to Get Your Skimmer

The Reader's Guide

Medallion Score

To earn your Skimmer, you'll need to accumulate 1,200 points in the Medallion Score category. While this may seem like a daunting task, there's a trick to make it easier. By linking your Bungie and Twitch accounts and watching any Destiny stream for a total of two hours per week, you can earn a Diamond medal worth 300 points. Do this for three weeks, and you'll already have 900 points towards your goal.

Earn a Top 10% Score in Nightfall Challenges

This step can be a bit tricky, as it requires you to achieve a top 10% score in Nightfall Challenges. The key here is to run the Nightfall immediately after reset to have the best chance of reaching the threshold. Utilize Guardian Games-specific strategies like emoting in front of Champions and finishing them, or spamming supers to boost your score quickly.

Open Your Focus Winner Packages

The final step involves opening Focus Winner Packages, which can be a bit confusing. Keep an eye on the Tower map for featured activities, and participate in them to earn points for your class. As Hunters tend to dominate these activities, consider logging in as a Hunter to increase your chances of receiving a winner's package.

While these tasks may seem daunting, they are necessary to unlock the coveted Skimmer hoverboard in Destiny 2's Guardian Games. So, gear up, complete your quests, and glide through the game in style.

Don't forget to check out my sci-fi novels - the Herokiller series and The Earthborn Trilogy.

Saadat Qureshi

Hey, I'm Saadat Qureshi, your guide through the exciting worlds of education and technology. Originally from Karachi and a proud alum of the University of Birmingham, I'm now back in Karachi, Pakistan, exploring the intersection of learning and tech. Stick around for my fresh takes on the digital revolution! Connect With Me