Discord Launches Sponsored Quests: A New Twist on Ads for Gamers

Get ready to embark on quests while gaming with Discord's new sponsored quests feature, offering a unique twist on traditional advertising methods.

Discord's Unconventional Advertising Strategy

Discord, the go-to voice and video chat platform for gamers, is shaking things up by introducing ads in a gamer-centric manner. This move marks a significant shift for the company, known for its staunch anti-advertising stance. The Wall Street Journal recently reported that ads will start appearing on Discord within the week, a change that aims to provide game developers with a new avenue to reach Discord users.

The Evolution of Sponsored Quests

While sponsored quests may be a new concept for some, Discord has dabbled in this arena before. Collaborating with Epic Games and Lucasfilm Games, Discord offered a sponsored quest experience back in May 2023 with Fortnite gameplay. Players had the opportunity to complete quests and earn exclusive Star Wars-inspired skins. This successful trial run paved the way for Discord's current sponsored quests initiative.

The Reader's Guide

What to Expect from Sponsored Quests

Developers investing in sponsored quests on Discord are looking to engage both players and viewers in a seamless gaming experience. When a sponsored quest pops up during a stream, players can participate directly through Discord's interface. Upon completion, rewards can be claimed and redeemed in-game, adding an extra layer of excitement for all involved.

When it comes to the visual aspect of sponsored quests, players streaming games with sponsored quests will receive prompts to engage with quests while viewers watch. The graphics and notifications associated with these quests will be unveiled upon the official launch of this feature.

Managing Sponsored Quests on Discord

Concerned about being bombarded with sponsored quests? Fear not! Discord allows users to control their quest preferences through the Privacy & Safety settings. For now, users can disable in-game rewards (quests) to customize their experience. However, once sponsored quests are fully operational, these settings may undergo adjustments to accommodate the new advertising strategy.

Discord has assured users that they can opt out of personalized promotions related to quests based on their activity or shared data. Despite potential changes in settings, users will still have some control over the quests they see and can choose to hide specific promotions if they're not interested.

Release Date and Ad Visibility

While an exact launch date for sponsored quests remains undisclosed, Discord has hinted at an early April release. As for ad visibility, it seems that most advertisements will be targeted at users utilizing Discord's streaming feature. However, even non-streamers may encounter occasional pop-ups promoting events or other activities within the platform.

With this innovative approach to advertising, Discord is not only venturing into new territory but also enhancing the gaming community's connectivity and engagement. So gear up, gamers, because sponsored quests are about to revolutionize your gaming experience on Discord!

Saadat Qureshi

Hey, I'm Saadat Qureshi, your guide through the exciting worlds of education and technology. Originally from Karachi and a proud alum of the University of Birmingham, I'm now back in Karachi, Pakistan, exploring the intersection of learning and tech. Stick around for my fresh takes on the digital revolution! Connect With Me